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Privacy Policy

privacy guide

Under the privacy protection system of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization implemented by the Ministry of Information and Communication, the company is fully committed to the management of the members' personal information, and we always do our best to ensure that the members can use all services with confidence.

The privacy policy of "chuuus" contains the following:

A. Collecting personal information items and methods
B. Purpose of collecting and using personal information
C. Sharing and providing personal information collected
D. Personal information handling consignment
E. The retention and utilization period of personal information collected
F. Disposal procedures and methods of personal information
G. The rights of users and legal representatives and their methods of exercise
H. Installation of the automatic collection of personal information (Operation and refusal thereof)
I. belonging to the person in charge of personal information management (name and contact)
J. Items of personal information collected and methods of collection
"chuuus" collects the following personal information for membership, consultation, service application, etc.

▶ Name, e-mail, resident registration number, address, contact number, mobile phone number, monthly income, etc.

In addition, the following information can be generated and collected in the course of service use or business processing.

▶ Service history, connection log, cookie, connection IP information, payment history, and suspension records

"chuuus" collects personal information in the following ways:

▶ Homepage, written form, telephone

- Membership through fax, consultation board, contest entry for prizes, and delivery request

▶ Provisions from affiliates

▶ Collecting generation information through tools

B. Purpose of personal information collection and utilization
"chuuus" utilizes the collected personal information for the following purposes:

▶ Fee adjustment based on the fulfillment of the contract for service provision and service provision

- Content delivery, delivery or invoice, financial transaction authentication and financial services, purchase and charge payment, and collect charges.

▶ Managing members

- User identification, personal identification, prevention of unauthorized use by rogue members, confirmation of intention to sign up, limitation of number of subscriptions and subscriptions, verification of consent of legal representatives when collecting personal information of children under the age of 14, subsequent verification of legal representatives, preservation of records for dispute settlement, and notification of complaints

▶ Utilize in marketing and advertising

- Developing and specializing new services (products), providing services based on demographic characteristics, publishing advertisements, identifying the frequency of access, and communicating statistics and events on the members' service use.

All. Sharing and providing personal information

[If not provided by a third party]

"chuuus" does not, in principle, provide your personal information externally. Exceptions are made in the following cases:

- In case the users agree in advance

- In case there is a request by the investigation agency in accordance with the provisions of the Act or in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed in the Act for investigation purposes;

[If provided by a third party]

"chuuus" provides your personal information as shown below, for example, to provide higher quality service to members.

▶ Purpose of using information provided: Alliance marketing

- Information provided: name, email, cell phone number, address, date of birth

- Retention and utilization of information provided : "chuuus" Until the withdrawal of membership

Exceptions are made in the following cases:

- In case the users agree in advance

- In case there is a request by the investigation agency in accordance with the provisions of the Act or in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed in the Act for investigation purposes;

D. Consignment of personal information handling collected

[In case of not entrusted to work]

"chuuus" does not consign your personal information handling to an outside company without your consent. In the future, we will notify you of the consignee and the content of the consignment work and, if necessary, obtain prior consent.

[In case of entrusted work]

"chuuus" is operating with an outside professional in charge of handling personal information, as shown below, for service implementation.

▶ Consulting chuuus

- Contents of consignment: Operation of a customer center to enhance the efficiency of the consultation work

Man. The retention and utilization period of personal information collected
In principle, the information is destroyed without delay after the purpose of personal information collection and utilization is achieved. However, the following information shall be retained for the period specified for the following reasons:

▶ Member ID

- Reasons for preservation: Preventing confusion in service use

- Retention period: 6 months after withdrawal

B. Personal information destruction procedures and methods
As a rule, "chuuus" destroys this information without delay after the purpose of personal information collection and utilization has been achieved. Disposal procedures and methods are as follows.

▶ Destruction procedure

- The information entered for membership, etc., shall be stored for a certain period of time and destroyed after the purpose has been achieved, depending on the reasons for information protection according to the internal policy and other related statutes (see retention and usage period).

This personal information shall not be used for any other purpose than to be retained unless in accordance with the law.

▶ Disposal method

- Personal information printed on paper should be shredded or destroyed through incineration.

- Personal information stored in electronic file formats is deleted using a technical method that prevents the recording from playing.

Private. The rights of users and legal representatives and their methods of exercise
The users and their legal representatives may inquire or modify the personal information of the registered person or children under the age of 14 at any time and may request the user to sign up.

Personal information check of users or children under the age of 14

- You can change the personal information (or modify the member information) for modification or withdraw from membership (withdrawal of membership)" by clicking "Exit membership" to go through the verification process.

Or contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing, by phone or by e-mail, we will take action without delay.

If you request a correction for a personal information error, the personal information shall not be used or provided until the correction is completed. In addition, if the wrong personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party of the results of the correction without delay so that the correction is corrected.

"chuuus" handles personal information that has been revoked or deleted at the request of the user or legal representative, as specified in "The retention and utilization period of personal information collected by chuuus" and is not available for other purposes.

Ah. Installation of automatic collection of personal information
- Items related to operation and its refusal

"chuuus" will install/run a device that will automatically collect personal information such as ‘cookies’ that store and retrieve your information from time to time.

Cookies are tiny text files that the server used to run the website "chuuus" sends to your browser that are stored on your computer's hard disk

"chuuus" uses cookies, etc., for the following purposes:

▶ Purpose of cookie use

- Targeted marketing and personalized service provided by analyzing the frequency of access and time of visits by members and non-members, identifying the users' tastes and interests, tracking their tracks, and identifying the degree of participation in various events and withdrawal of visits.

You have the option of installing cookies. Therefore, you may choose to allow all cookies by setting options in your web browser, check them every time they are stored, or refuse to save all cookies.

▶ To reject cookie settings

Example: As a way to deny cookie settings, you can allow all cookies, check each time you save them, or refuse to save all cookies by selecting an option in your web browser.

Example of how to set up (Internet Explorer): Tools at the top of your web browser > Internet options > Personal information

However, if you refuse to install cookies, you may find it difficult to provide services.

OK. Personal Information Management Officer
"chuuus" designates the relevant department and personal information control manager as shown below to protect the customer's personal information and handle complaints related to personal information.

▶ Personal information management officer


Phone number : 1899-0243

Email : help@ssbc.co.kr

You may report to the Personal Information Management Officer or the responsible department any complaints regarding personal information protection arising from the use of the service of "chuuus". The company will provide a sufficient answer to the users' report promptly.